Leading the way in the Organic Waste Industry
Green and Gold Composting facilitates green waste management services and the production of high quality compost across the south west region of Ireland with our site in Listowel, Co Kerry
What We Do
Through our cost-effective and sustainable green waste management services, Green and Gold Composting is committed to:
- Sending zero waste to landfill by processing green waste into compost
- Production of quality biomass fuels for commercial customers
- Carbon Sequestration: capturing carbon to be safely stored in soil – healthier soil can store more carbon which reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that contribute to global warming.
Windrow Composting
Recycling Nutrients
Carbon Sequestration
Renewable Energy
Green and Gold’s flagship site in Listowel is one of largest windrow composting facility in the south west of Ireland – The facility produces certified compost and soil conditioner for the agriculture and horticultural markets, through the processing of green waste and other organic wastes.